
Showing posts from May, 2021

Abstract and Works Cited

Abstract: Mental illness has been stigmatized and neglected for quite some time pre-covid. This paper will explore the factors that contribute to mental illness in college students and how covid has made mental illness a universal issue within college students. There will be a focus on the challenges that go along with social isolation due to covid. The paper is organized to explain the types of people most affected during this time and the driving force behind other present issues due to social isolation.   Works Cited Armstrong, Elizabeth A., and Laura T. Hamilton. Paying for the Party How College Maintains Inequality . Harvard University Press, 2013, doi:10.4159/harvard.9780674073517. Bolatov, Aidos K. et al. Online-Learning Due To COVID-19 Improved Mental Health Among Medical Students . 2021, Accessed 18 Nov 2020. Brown, Sarah. Chronicle.Com , 2021,