Literature Review #1
Citation: Holt-Lunstad, Julianne. "The Double Pandemic Of Social Isolation And COVID-19: Cross-Sector Policy Must Address Both | Health Affairs Blog". Healthaffairs.Org , 2021, Summary: This article focuses on how social interactions are key to human health and survival. Also exemplifies the now known need for these social interactions and how it is going to be a heightened concern. When life starts to become normal again there is going to be a need for social and emotional support for those that have been deprived for so long. She also talks about how policies are going to have to take serious consideration of the impact of social isolation on individuals like mental health. Author: Julianne Holt-Lunstad Julianne Holt-Lunstad is a psychology professor at Bringham Young University. She was also the first U.S researcher to public an extensive work o...
COVID and Mental Health is a great topic, and very timely. The affluence advantage is also viable, and the readings in our class might be useful there -- especially Armstrong and Hamilton. I would be glad to talk to you about choosing between them. It would likely be easier to research the affluence issue, as COVID is still a developing story, so I might recommend that one. But either could work.