Lit review 5

The aim of the study Mental Health impacts for international students during the COVID-19 Pandemic in China was to evaluate the mental health status of international students from Changsha city attending Central South University. In this study they got information from each of their participants about security, graduation, quarantine status, general anxiety and their personal health. In order to conquer these goals of the study, they conducted a online mental health survey to the international students pertaining their distress related to the COVID-19 outbreak and quarantine. They also used a Webchat based survey program to facilitate the general demographic questions that contribute to their study and results regarding mental health. It was conducted on 153 students and 143 of those were not previously diagnosed with any mental disorders, leaving the 10 left diagnosed with some kind of previous mental illness. The results found that a lot of anxiety and depression was linked to the many questions they had given the students.


 “students were already used to this kind of a situation as they are mostly indoors using all kinds of technologies and enjoying high-quality internet”

 “insecurity caused by this pandemic has deeply affected students’ mental health”

“anxiety disorders are more likely to occur and worsen in the absence of interpersonal



PHQ-9- (Patient Health Questionnaire)the scale in which was used to rate depression in international students

GAD-7- (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) The scale that monitors anxiety disorder in people

STAI- (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory)a more comprehensive test for the level of anxiety and depression experienced during COVID-19

Dr. Xiaoping Wang is a psychology professor at Central South University, who is well equipped in the department pertaining mental health. His research put a understanding perspective of international students and the struggle they are facing during this pandemic.


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